Tomatoes are one of the most adaptable foods, equally at home in a summer salad and a soothing pizza sauce (thanks, pizza inventor).
Is tomato fruit? Are we eating veggies? People like to argue over culinary facts such whether eggplant, cucumber, avocado, and peanuts are fruits or vegetables.
There are tomatoes for every taste and hue. Cherry, beefsteak, heritage, sweet, or delightfully acidic tomatoes are all great. Plus, they're one of the simplest veggies to cultivate at home.
Is it easiest fruits? Discover tomato leaf purple dots. The fact that good tomatoes taste like sunlight should tell us everything. However, identifying fruits and vegetables isn't as easy as it seems.
Before debating whether tomatoes are fruits, let's define fruits and vegetables. Merriam-Webster defines fruits as “the usually edible reproductive body of a seed plant, especially: one having a sweet pulp.”
Ant-sized fruit is the world's tiniest!Merriam-Webster defines a vegetable as “a usually herbaceous plant grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal.” This indicates vegetables contain roots, leaves, and stems.
However, fruit is simply the plant's seed-carrier. Beets, spinach, and broccoli are vegetables that should be consumed in season .
Chefs, attorneys, and farmers answer this differently. We may find it easy. Lunchtime consumption? Vegetable. It as dessert? Fruit! It's not easy. Scientific and legal definitions of fruits and vegetables exist.
Tomatoes are fruit because they are flowers with seeds. Tomatoes are fruit. However, the way we consume and prepare them makes them legal veggies.
Our favorite red, delicious tomatoes come from a seed plant. While tomatoes aren't as sweet as peaches, they're not as bitter as Brussels sprouts. This definition includes peppers and cucumbers as fruit, but not carrots and potatoes.