8 Home Remedies And Natural Treatments For Bee Stings
Pain and swelling from stings normally go away in a few days without therapy. Meanwhile, home treatments can ease pain and expedite recovery. An allergic reaction to a bee sting requires prompt medical intervention. An allergic reaction develops if the swelling spreads from the sting or to other areas.
Wrap an ice pack or frozen vegetable bag in a cloth, place it on the sting site, and hold it for several minutes. Repeat as needed.
Essential oils have been used in home remedies for years, but they don't seem to help bee stung pain or swelling.Tea tree, witch hazel, lavender, thyme, rosemary oils. Mix essential oil with olive oil before applying to skin. The mixture normally has one drop of essential oil per four or five carrier oil drops.
Essential oil
Aloe vera gel naturally moisturises and calms skin. A 2015 study found anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects in aloe vera extract. Applying gel to a bee sting helps minimise swelling and prevent infection.
Aloe vera gel
Calamine lotion can ease itchy skin and bee or wasp sting discomfort. If the sting itches, apply calamine lotion.
Calamine lotion
Honey may also hasten healing and prevent infection due to its antimicrobial properties. For these reasons, some doctors utilise honey extracts in wound dressings. Apply a little honey on the sting. This should be done indoors to avoid attracting bees with honey smell.
Some say baking soda neutralises bee venom. However, no high-quality research suggests that baking soda can ease bee sting pain. Medical specialists don't recommend baking soda because it's alkaline and can damage skin.
Baking soda
Some say apple cider vinegar reduces bee sting swelling. However, clinical research has not proven many of apple cider vinegar's health benefits. As an acid, it can damage skin if misused.
Apple cider vinegar
As an odd home remedy, alkaline toothpaste can counteract sting venom.
Clinical proof is lacking for this toothpaste.
Use a little toothpaste on the sting, but be careful. Toothpaste can react with skin if worn for long periods.