Mix flour, baking soda, and salt in a large basin. Set aside.Mix melted butter, brown sugar, sugar, and peanut butter in a separate dish. Two minutes of high-speed mixing.
Mix in eggs and vanilla. Medium-mix until blended.Stir in the dry ingredients on low speed until mixed. Pour into small chocolate chips and stir slowly.
Pre-heat the oven to 350℉. Use parchment on two cookie sheets. Scoop cookie dough after 10 minutes of resting.Scoop dough with a 2-ounce (2-tablespoon) cookie scoop. Use 6 cookie dough balls per sheet.
Bake 13-15 minutes. Prepare peanut butter cups while baking. Bake till gently browned edges. Cover cookies with peanut butter cups immediately.Wait 5 minutes on the heated pan before moving the cookies to a cooling rack.